The Suffragettes
Included are portraits of the principal co-leaders of the WSPU, Emmeline Pankhurst and her eldest daughter Christabel , followed by Mrs. Pankhurst’s two other younger daughters, E. Sylvia Pankhurst , and Adela Pankhurst and they are in turn are followed by just a sampling from the thousands of women activists who would come to comprise the WSPU fraternity. Annie Kenney , Flora Drummond , Mabel Capper , Patricia Woodlock, Mary Leigh , Edith New, Emily Wilding Davison , Grace Roe , Mary Richardson , Una (Dugdale) Duval , Daisy Dugdale , Grace Olive Walton , Grace Macron , Margaret Scott , Florence Jane Short , Margaret Mcfarlane , Olive Hockin , Mary Blathwayt , Teresa Billington Greig , Marion Wallace Dunlop , Lady Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton and Dame Ethel Mary Smyth .
Emmeline Pankhurst, Socialist and Labour Party Supporter and advocate for Women’s Suffrage married to Richard Pankhurst 1893, acrylic on canvas, 12”x12”, 2020
Emmeline Pankhurst WSPU Co-Founder, Chief Administrator and Militant with bodyguards 1914, acrylic on canvas, 12”x 12”, 2016
Emmeline Pankhurst WSPU Co-Founder, Chief Administrator and Militant, under arrest 1914, 9’x 11”, 2015
Christabel Pankhurst WSPU Co-Founder, Chief Administrator and Activist 1908, acrylic on canvas, 10”x11”, 2019
Christabel Pankhurst WSPU Co-Founder, Chief Administrator and Militant 1911, acrylic on canvas, 9”x 9”, 2016
Christabel Pankhurst, 1929
Acrylic on Canvas
13″ x 14″ (2023)
Sylvia Pankhurst WSPU Organiser, Socialist, Artist, Writer, Founder of the East London Federation of Suffragettes, 1909, acrylic on canvas, “12x 12”, 2018
Sylvia Pankhurst, 1928, acrylic on canvas,12″ x 12″(2023)
Sylvia Pankhurst Socialist Activist and founder of the East London Federation of Suffragettes, under police arrest 1914, acrylic on canvas, 8”x 8”, 2014
Adela Pankhurst, WSPU Organiser 1909, acrylic on canvas, 10”x12”, 2018
Annie Kenney, WSPU Organiser l909, acrylic on canvas, 9”x 9”, 2020
Annie Kenney, WSPU Organiser 1905, acrylic on canvas, 12”x 12”, 2016
Flora Drummond WSPU Organiser and Activist at rally for Irish Home Rule, London 1914, acrylic on canvas, 12” 12”, 2015
Christabel Pankhurst, Flora Drummond, Emmeline Pankhurst facing charges in Criminal Court 1908, acrylic on canvas, 14”x36”, 2018-19
Mabel Capper and Patricia Woodlock, WSPU Activists, Manchester 1908, acrylic on canvas, 16”x 18” 2012
Suffragette Patricia Woodlock, Liverpool, 1908. acrylic on canvas, 14″ x 14″, (2014)
Mary Leigh, WSPU Militant, Drum Major for the Women’s Drum and Fife Band 1909, acrylic on canvas, 14”x 16”, 2014
Mary Leigh, WSPU Activist at Criminal Court 1908, acrylic on wood, 12”x 20”, 2011
Edith New, WSPU Activist facing charges in Criminal Court 1908, acrylic on wood, 12” x 20”, 2011
Emily Wilding Davison WSPU Militant 1910, acrylic on canvas, 12”x 20”, 2016
Emily Wilding Davison WSPU Militant fatally Injured protesting on the track at Epson Derby 1913, acrylic on canvas, 9”x 12”, 2020
Mary Richardson, 1913
acrylic on canvas
10” x 12” (2023)
Una Dugdale WSPU Activist in Newcastle 1908, acrylic on canvas, 14”x 16”, 2012
Daisy Dugdale, 1908
acrylic on canvas
12″ x 36″ (2013)
Olive Walton WSPU Activist, arrested by police at Dundee 1914, acrylic on canvas, 12”x 15”, 2013
Grace Macron WSPU Activist Detained at Holloway Prison 1912, acrylic on canvas, 12”x 16”, 2013
WSPU Activists, Margaret Scott, Jane Short, May McFarlane, Olive Hocken, detained at Holloway Prison acrylic on canvas, 18”x 20”, 2012
WSPU Activists (detail)
Mary Blathwayt, 1909
acrylic on canvas
10” x 12” (2023)
Teresa Billington-Greig, Author, WSPU activist and Labour Party Organiser 1904-1907, acrylic on canvas, 9”x 9”, 2019
Marion Wallace Dunlop, 1909
acrylic on canvas
10” x 12” (2023)
Lady Constance Lytton, Author, WSPU Activist 1914, acrylic on canvas, 9”x 9”, 2019
Lady Constance Lytton, Suffragette with Police Escort upon her release from Holloway Prison 1909, acrylic on canvas, 14”x 24”, 2020
Dame Ethel Smyth, 1910
Acrylic on canvas
9″ x 10″, (2019)
Suffragette Rally at Hyde Park (2) 1908, acrylic on canvas, 12″ x 12″ 2011
WSPU Activists at Rally for Women’s Suffrage at Hyde Park London 1908 (1), acrylic on canvas, 9”x 9”, 2011
WSPU Activists promote Hyde Park Rally London 1908, acrylic on canvas, 11”x 11”, 2011
Suffragette Press Cart, London, 1911. acrylic on canvas 9″ x 12″ (2015)
Grace Roe, arrested in London, 1914. acrylic on canvas, 9″ x 9″ (2015)